Insight revit 2021
Insight revit 2021

I am really pleased to say that the 2021 release of Revit MEP now includes a flexible way to customise circuit naming.Įlectrical Setting contains a new feature called Circuit Naming.

insight revit 2021

Electrical Circuit NamingĬircuit naming to UK standards has been at the top of many users wish list, with different work arounds devised to address this area. Also, the long awaited circuit naming to UK standards has finally arrived, with an easy to use, easy to set up method of customising this important aspect of working with electrical circuits and panel schedules in Revit MEP.

insight revit 2021

For Revit MEP 2021, I am pleased to say there has been another focus on electrical design with particular attention paid to electrical distribution.

Insight revit 2021